“The pattern made by celestial bodies is the root symbol of the wholeness (selfhood and destiny) of the birth.” Galen
The central hexagon represents the 6 areas of childhood development, which form the core of what we continue to build upon as adults. They are Language, Cognitive, Social (sometimes called Emotional), Adaptive aka. Self Help, Agility which is Movement or Gross Motor Skills, and then Dexterity or Fine Motor Skills. These correlate directly to the Cardinal Virtues in the following way:
Dexterity/Agility - Strength
Cognitive/Language - Wisdom
Social/Adaptive - Love
And as adults, we develop 12 main categories of expertise, though our learning styles may vary each area is developed essentially the same way, through play and practice. Anyone can achieve mastery of any subject by putting the time into it, however finding ways to really engage with it, and apply that learning in a relevant fashion can make this much more effective. That is why there is very tangible reinforcement for each of these subjects within the human resource based economy/point system, and also study guides and resources which can be used solo and collaboratively. This real like 'Skill Tree' can help you identify areas in need of strengthening, or disciplines to cross into to add more depth and perspective to established expertise. Eventually there will be a personal version, which may be used to track progress, keep notes and impressions, and motivate personal work. Then there will be a correlating online version with links and study notes, sort of a human wiki where these disciplines can branch indefinitely and supporting multimedia can be shared for easy access to learning.

Cognitive - STEAM
Science, Technology, Engineering, Architecture, Math
​ Education
Teaching of each of the 12 disciplines
Language - Writing
Grammer, Rhetoric, Creative, Technical and Poetic
​ Speaking
Linguistics, Communication, Music, Voice Acting
Social - Anthropology
Cutlure, Public Affairs, Human Services, Gender Study
​ History
World History, Tech/Art/Invention Timeline, Wars
Adaptive - Psychology
Behavior, Personality, Relationships, Grief/Stress
​ Visual Arts
Drawing, Painting, Graphic Design, Pattern/Prints
Agility - Performance Arts
Martial, Dance, Prop Manip, Acrobatics, Sports
​ Business
Logistics, Resource Mmgt, Order FF, Product Design
Dexterity - Applied Art
Sculpture, Mixed Media Asm, Mold Making, Carving
​ Medicine
Internal, Surgery, Nursing, Therapy, Fitness, First Aid

Skill Matrix
The Matrix is the central hub interface which will allow you to connect and manage all of the other tools. Currently in development, it will allow the user to go through an evaluation or portfolio review with a moderator to determine which of the skill nodes the individual has already activated through experiences in their life, be it in education, work, content creation, formal or otherwise. Any examples can be brought forth as proof of current level of mastery, and the nodes will be activated accordingly.
Some nodes might be thought of as pre-requesites, like learning to walk before you run, though you may continue to progress without full mastery into any direction you are interested. Mastery just marks you as having clout in the topic and opens up further opportunities for teaching, as people seek out those with greater experience!