The Sign of the Moon Rabbit

The Cuniculus or Lepus constellation is a Rabbit depicted at the feet of Orion, the hunter.
One might also see its archetype in the Rabbit on the Moon. Rabbits are often associated with the Moon.
Just as the Lepus constellation seems to dance and change its shape when viewed from different angles, Cuniculus signs remind us of relativity and flux.
The 12 days of Cuniculus range from Flower Day through Memorial Day at the end of May. By late May in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring gives way to Summer, with flowers blooming, bees buzzing, and bunnies hopping about. The animals come out to play. Shepherds, pet owners, and equestrians have their hay day.

Dust Sign
Sign of the Shifting Sands
Cuniculus, the 1st Dust sign in the Zodiac, embodies the essence of Sand, symbolizing the harmonious blend of Earth and Air elements. Like the sandy particles that scatter across vast deserts, Cuniculus signs develop a resilient and adaptable nature. They thrive in diverse environments, effortlessly navigating the shifting sands of life. In time, even the finest of grains may carry the potential to shape an entire landscape.
Dusty particles from arid deserts around the world are capable of traveling across oceans, helping to seed distant rain clouds. These particles act as solid catalysts upon which to condense water. Likewise, Cuniculus signs serve as conduits, connecting different realms of experience and vastly different points of view. They can bridge the gap between the curious and the practical. This unique blend of qualities enables them to approach life’s problems with versatility.
Cuniculus also represents the hidden abundance that may emerge in the most unexpected of places, like delicate flowers blooming amidst barren arid sands. Cuniculus signs can find and appreciate beauty, even in the most desolate of circumstances. Their unique perspective allows them to infuse creativity and wonder into their surroundings.
Their presence reminds us that even in the harshest environments, there is potential for growth and transformation. Cuniculus signs pursue harmonious union in life, shaping their lives and that of others with creativity, versatility, and an unwavering spirit.

Truth Sign
The Sign of Appearances
Cuniculus, the 1st Truth sign of the Zodiac, embodies the ever-shifting sands of Perception. Cuniculus signs challenge our understanding of truth, reminding us that Appearances can be deceiving.
They’re attuned to the subtle nuances and simple truths that lie beneath the shallow surface of things. They understand that what we perceive is influenced by who we are and how we’re looking at it. They invite us to question our assumptions and accept the complexity of life. There are multiple facets to every story, so true understanding can only be attained by exploring different viewpoints.
They remind us that truth is not a fixed entity, but a dynamic and evolving concept, shaped by the interplay of unique perceptions and contexts over time. Truth is a multifaceted gem, waiting to be discovered through open-mindedness, humility, and a willingness to change.

Personal Life / Personality
Those born under the Cuniculus constellation between Taurus and Gemini tend to have a fruitful aura about them. Like a Taurus, they’re preoccupied with simple matters, but like a Gemini, they pursue those matters with haste. They can seem oblivious when occupied with an obsession, but, in truth, they are motivated by sharing and showing the fruits of their labor with others. They’re the kind of child who wants to show their parents every new object they find.
Even in adulthood, they retain a youthfulness which motivates them and nourishes those around them. Their subsequently prolific output gives them a sense of confidence that usually proves adaptive. A combination of naivety and overconfidence may lead them to toxic positivity; shunning, shaming, dismissing, and repressing anything or anyone they perceive as negative energy.
Their grounded focus usually leads them to productivity and abundance, but may also lead to copious behavior. Without more deeply satisfying experiences, they’re susceptible to hedonism, escapism, and addiction. They must learn to discern between approximate and ultimate needs.
Interpersonal Life / Relationships
Since they express themselves quite naturally, and genuinely seek connection, they’re usually adept communicators. This tends to accelerate closeness in their relationships. They could tempt, use, manipulate, and seduce others with their charisma, if they so wished. Even without bad intentions, their fixation on externals can lead to a narcissistic dynamic with potential partners and loved ones, whereby loved ones might think they must provide trivial services or put on a superficial mask in order to feel wanted and acknowledged.
If spoiled by their parents, they may become obnoxious, selfish, and egotistical adults. Without an internal sense of gratification and recognition, they may objectify themselves and others. Their quest for external gratification then leads to a proliferation of devious schemes and plots. The resulting duplicity and dishonesty lead to strife and discord. At a less toxic level, their tendency to keep themselves busy sometimes limits their ability to maintain relationships.
Properly socialized Cuniculus signs communicate in a heartfelt and loving way, validating the intentions and perspectives of those around them. This also makes them susceptible to the manipulations and temptations of those whose aims are not so mutual. If they become too dependent on others, they may develop an anxious or preoccupied attachment style, overthinking and overreacting to minor issues, thus exacerbating their own helplessness. But if they cultivate their own garden, a safe space to produce for others and gain perspective for themselves, they can avoid the threat of codependence.
They’re all-around decent, caring, and entertaining friends, making them attractive acquaintances. Thus, they tend to have many who call them friends. Whether with deep or shallow connections, they cherish hearty activities, deep conversations, and quality time.
Social Life / Society
Cuniculus signs are of great value to society at large. Their prolific energy makes fertile grounds for any blooming project, aspiring leader, or principled movement. They’re great at bringing people together and getting them to work in harmony. This makes them natural-born leaders: persuasive, convincing, articulate, elegant, gregarious, and altruistic, especially during times in need of progressive change.
Unlike many leaders, they don’t tend to get too idealistic or abstract. They focus on what people can do on the ground every day to make the world a better place. Because of this, they tend to focus on inventive, achievable, but arguably piecemeal solutions to social problems. In truth, they’re wholesome; they focus on the fundamentals. Rather than try to change things at the highest level, they focus on the way people live and how that might change their perspective on life, therefore leading to more gradual social change. They might tell you to go plant a garden, go off-grid, or take your shoes off and plant your feet in the soil.
What good is a revolutionary who has only known cold steel, concrete, and industry in the whole of their life? What kind of world would they create instead? What other kind of world could they possibly know how to create? A Cuniculus does not fantasize about greener grasses; they make them greener wherever they are at.
Just like in relationships, Cuniculus signs run the risk of becoming devious, whether caught up in the drama of the moment or tangled up in a web of their own making. People may be blinded by their brilliance, seduced by their incisive eloquence, or lured by their vibrance into stressful and dramatic situations. Their preoccupations and schemes may make them oblivious to others, thereby coming across as rude, ignorant, dubious, hypocritical, or inappropriate. If they enlighten themselves to their own nature and that of humanity, they have the power to properly synergize everyone’s efforts for the ultimate satisfaction of our needs.
Archetypal Story of Cuniculus
Through the Looking Glass: Alice is a little girl sitting on a riverbank one golden afternoon, interrupted suddenly from her boredom by a white rabbit hopping by. This wouldn’t usually be strange, but this rabbit had clothes and muttered something about being late. She follows him down a rabbit hole, and falls for a very long time, arriving in a strange underground world with rules that seem to work very different from ours. Though skeptical at first, she leans into the escape from reality over the course of her wanderings, beginning with the initiatory puzzle of a tiny door she couldn’t fit through and its nearby antidote, a bottle of liquid labeled ‘Drink Me.’ This is the first of many size altering substances, which will range from cakes to mushrooms as she meets a cast of colorful anthropomorphic characters.
She attends the tea party of the Mad Hatter, humoring the proceedings at first but then dismissing it as nonsense and moving onto the next scene. The entire story seems to be a dream metaphor, but certain themes and characters persist, presenting her with inescapable problems among a sea of other inconsequential things, and the absurdity of all of them makes it difficult to tell the difference.
The main threat to Alice is the Red Queen, whose short temper strikes fear into the hearts of all Wonderland’s inhabitants. Threatening to behead anyone who crosses her, she rules the land with an iron fist and very arbitrary judgments. When Alice points this out during a trial, she incurs her wrath and must flee from the royal guards who are actually playing card people in the suit of hearts. She nearly escapes but is overtaken by them, and wakes up just in the nick of time in the real world, thus ending the fever dream. This story is widely analyzed as a fantastic overlay of real world events, with the allegory being readable as a dream undergoing psychoanalysis. But the basic theme is one of exploring the strange way we treat childhood, as this separate world with conflicting expectations which magically changes as soon as we grow up with no seeming rite of passage and many points of regression as we see in the size changing substances. It is therefore also about mistreatment of children by adults and modern interpretations have used this metaphor to explore taboo topics of abuse through the dreamy looking glass.
Cuniculus lies on this enigmatic cusp between childhood and adulthood, and often explores that transition through whimsy. Ancient cultures had socially guided rites of passage which made this much smoother, but during the Victorian era this dividing line became very stark, and that legacy lives on today in troubling and confusing ways. The absurdity of the scenes in the story become less strange in the face of our current struggle with neontony and what it means to society and the individual. Where exactly is the cut off? When we turn 18? When we move out? With the economy so heavily determining these steps toward independence, what if we can’t manage to move out or experience set backs?
We will explore this in greater detail in the life stages section, but the perception of childhood is highlighted in this cusp. What Alice is actually experiencing, her goals and impressions, become lost in the shuffle of the chaos of the world and its politics. She is afforded a glimpse of the adult struggle but not actually taught anything adaptive which would help her to prepare for it, instead chided ‘it was only a dream’ that she would deal with when she is older. This disconnect is mirrored back at her, when she is treated first and foremost as a juvenile and not taken with any seriousness or consideration. Thus she is a target for victimization.
Alice is a symbol of Abundance, the limitless possibility presented in an innocent child not yet forced into the mold imposed by society. She is an Eve, impressionable but not stupid. She can hold her own and make her own choices, engaging in trial and error with the situations presented to her and trying to get a handle on the tools at her disposal. Her ultimate goal unfortunately, in all of these retellings, is one of escape from predation, just as the White Rabbit symbol appears naturally as forever fleeing. Even in versions where she stands up to fight the Queen of Hearts and defeats her, this is done to make her way out of Wonderland, to ‘wake up’ from the threatening situation. Does growing up implicitly require trauma? Is womanhood inherently suffering?
In American McGee’s version, we see Alice taking responsibility for Wonderland as her inner world, and the changes she makes to prune and maintain it become reflected in reality as standing up for herself. With the Cheshire Cat, she enjoys a vibe of CoCreation, no longer being a victim bystander in her own life, she takes an active role in unfolding her own story even when circumstances are violent and chaotic. His guidance and assistance are helpful but he doesn’t step in to do any of the work for her, so she learns to temper her urge to run and let grown-ups have free reign to decide the course of her life. From this point of view, the Red Queen is a warning, a reflection of the adult she could become if she doesn’t find a way to integrate the trauma she has endured and hold on to that pain just to pass it onto another victim. Female biology is itself painful and violent, and in order to transcend that each maiden becoming a mother must find a way to accept the suffering of the process as necessary for creating new life. This needn’t be compounded by predation, and it would be nice if more myth and story examples aren’t based on it, but to get to that point we cannot turn a blind eye and pretend such abuses aren’t prevalent and must protect the innocent.